I remember...

I remember...
a beautiful afternoon.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I smiled.

How to know if someone is really in love with you and not just playing games? Truth is, you just won't know the answer. There's no way to tell, and no way to know, but then again, is there a need? Why worry about that? Enjoy being together while you are together. When you're in love, love to the fullest. It is a fiction. But everyone need fiction. If you have loved totally, there is no question. One day if the lover leaves, that simply means now our ways are parting. We can say goodbye, we can be thankful to each other. When you don't need the other, you can love, and that love will not bring misery. Going beyond needs, demands, desires, love becomes a very soft sharing, a great understanding. To be free from the past and future is to taste freedom for the first time. And in that experience one becomes whole, healthy, all wounds are healed.

Understanding these things made me understand that we need not "force" anything, no matter how much I wanted it. Just let it flow itself. No demands, no desire, no need, in that, I will be able to enjoy love, be it together or not. =)

Headache. again. hope i get sweet dreams tonight... haha. long time no have le. really long.


If you are simply smiling for no reason at all,

people will think something is loose in your head--

why are you smiling? Why are you looking so happy?

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