I remember...

I remember...
a beautiful afternoon.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Wake me up with an answer......

I don't know why we've become so quiet even when we're walking side by side. I kept quiet, and so did you. I didn't know what to say, perhaps you too. I realised you used to be the one starting the conversation, and perhaps that's why I'm stuck now whenever I see you, wanting to talk to you so much, but I couldn't even utter a word, I've become mute all of a sudden. I'm just so useless... Sometimes I see that eyes of you looking at me and I really want to know what you were thinking at that moment. You turned when I just happened to look back at you. Sometimes you really said things that showed that "dao" side of you that you've claimed to be. But I don't understand why we could have been such close friends in such a short while, without you showing that "dao" side of you to me for that period of time? If only I could read your mind. Are you giving up on me? like I've thought I could but still can't...Now I just wish to fall into deep sleep till you wake me up with an answer......


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