I remember...

I remember...
a beautiful afternoon.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Everly Brothers

3.35am now,

added some songs by The everly brothers. Except for 2 or 3, the rest is like playful kind...dunno, just feel like listening right now...

Tell laura I love her is so sad la...listen to the lyrics...
Keep A-knockin' is abit stupid...the whole song is saying keep knocking but u can't come in...=.="
and I like "Dream", dream....dream, dream, dream, when I think about her, all I have to do is dream...hhaha...-.-"

anyway...most ppl won't like those songs perhaps...but...

Your problem la...!

As long as I'm happy listening can le...=)


So tired...gotta go to bed, and hope that the friendster horoscope thingy is true for today...Hah.


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